Sunday, November 15, 2015


3 years ago today I was recovering from my first round of chemo. I can't really remember specifics about that day. I'm so glad I blogged that whole experience because either I don't really remember things or I remember them differently.

I re-read my blog (click for link) from that day and I'm struck by 2 things- I still, even after 3 years, cannot believe I had cancer and how brave I must have been walking I there for the first time. I hate to call myself brave because I didn't have a choice but I was. Your first chemo is definitely the scariest because you don't know how you react to the medicines. My chemo friend found out she had a heart condition because of her first round of chemo. 

These past 2 weeks I've been thinking about when I had cancer a lot because I am still recovering from reconstruction surgery (recovery is going good- just have to keep reminding myself that I am getting better everyday). My family and I have been through so much because of stupid cancer. The trauma of that experience will never go away. Like any other trauma as time goes on the sad and scary feelings happen less often but their intensity remains the same. I just hate this hold cancer gets to have on my life. I don't get to make many decisions without considering it and I hate it. 

This surgery recovery has been easier than last time but still annoying especially because I never wanted to have anything like this done and I will have restrictions for another month. The first time I cried at a doctors office after being diagnosed was at my plastic surgeons office because I couldn't get over how ridiculous it was that I now have a plastic surgeon. I'm annoyed that even 3 years out I am still having to change my life because of cancer. 

Speaking of that- I think we have decided to do our egg retrieval in the beginning of the year so that I can start on my lupron shots and go into menopause. So again I am not only reminded daily that I had cancer with my tamoxifen but now also monthly with a shot. Cancer never goes away.

We are starting to get a little hopeless about finding a surrogate. I just feel so blah about it. The end of the year is coming soon and I just really expected that we would have some sort of good news by now. I knew not everyone would jump at the chance to get to be our surrogate (we did have 2 great candidates that didn't work out) but I just I guess naively thought that someone would be pregnant with our child by now. Waiting is the worst. Mackenzie asks a lot about having a brother or sister and I wish I could tell her why I can't get pregnant and that we need a surrogate but I don't think at almost 6 she will understand all of it. And I don't want to upset her more than she already is. 

These "cancerversaries" always bring up a lot of emotions for me. It's crazy to remember what it was like 3 years ago going through all of this and how life is now. I am a better person for having gone through all of this but I wish that I could have learned these lessons in a less life threatening way. 

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