Thursday, February 28, 2013


Ugh I've had this post written since Thursday. Stupid chemo brain forgetting to post it! Thursday I had my 6th and final chemo! It started as usual with breakfast at the diner by my house. My mom came with me for my last treatment. After breakfast we went to my oncologists office for my treatment. I had my mom take a picture so I could have a first day and last day picture (ugh I miss my hair!!).

Of course my port was acting up on my last chemo. Apparently they need a blood return in order to do chemo and mine wasn't cooperating. They did my pre-meds and then tried again and still nothing. So I was given some other meds to get it working and thankfully it worked!

I finally got my chemo drugs going and I was on my way. You know you're ready to be done when you start making IV beeping noises to convince your nurse that your IV is beeping!

When it was all done I put in my college graduation cap and celebrated! I'm so happy to have chemo done!

Me and my biggest fan :) 

I'm so excited that chemo is finally over! I can get my port out in the next couple weeks and I can go get a mani/pedi in 3 weeks! Wahoo! My poor hands and feet need it! Plus hopefully it will be flip flop weather soon! Just in time! 

This round has been pretty much the same as the last round. Including the stupid insomnia. Not even NyQuil worked last night but I'm going to try again tonight! Hopefully in the next couple days I'll be back to "normal"!

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